-References: still waiting on an official ref sheet for Wiley, so I hope fursuit photos will do. http://d.facdn.net/art/wiley/1402025212.wiley_dsc00923-3.jpg http://webpages.charter.net/bweiland/AlaskaPhotos/DSC_4678-X2-2.jpg http://d.facdn.net/art/wiley/1391824849.wiley_dsc00779-3.jpg
-Additional info: body type is athletic, but not overly-so. Prefer a confident expression. As for pose, he's a bush pilot (no, really... http://d.facdn.net/art/wiley/1388893900.wiley_dsc00654-2.jpg), so you can choose something you like that could reflect that attribute.
I guess if there were anything that sets a bush pilot apart from your typical pilot is that we're not the clean-cut, white shirt/epaulets/tie-wearing guys you see in the front of airliners. We fly to remote lakes and ocean beaches in the Alaska bush, do all of our own beaching, docking, loading/unloading, fueling, etc, so looking a little gritty/worn-out at the end of a busy day is pretty common.
Up here, I'm almost always wearing a tshirt and that faded Carhartt hooded jacket and bluejeans you saw in the last fursuit photo I sent you. Other than that, all I can really think of that would be common to a pilot is an aviation headset, but I'd only ever be wearing that while in the airplane. Hope this helps!