We have a lot in store for TranquilArt, and I can't wait to get everything put together and out for you all to use!
So, here's a general roadmap for the upcoming year:
My number one priority is going to be the theme. Many of the deterrents to using the site right now are due to poor usability, and with a new theme we're going to redesign and simplify the core software a whole bunch. I am also almost certainly going to be implementing different color schemes, so those of you that don't like the yellow-on-dark-purple we currently have can breathe a sigh of relief
After that, I will work on the ad system, so the site can become more self-sufficient. I'm aiming for a dollar a day to buy some banner space, but I'll probably start out at a quarter a day until the site grows enough to be worth a higher price. Ideally, it'll mostly be automated: you submit an ad, we check it over and approve it, and the system will automatically generate an invoice and once you pay it'll automatically put your ad up when you want it up. One nice thing about this is it means quick turnaround, and coupled with day-granular time slots, it's a lot more affordable and easy to put up ads only when you need them.
After both of those, I'll clean up the source code and open it up. Think you can fix that one bug? Take a gander through the code and find out! Get it fixed? Submit a pull request and help the whole community! I'll almost certainly be doing most of the coding, but I have no problem with getting help when I can!
Beyond those, it's basically just running down the To Do list as things get added. I do have a lot more in store than what's already in the To Do list, but I'll be doing those as the site grows and I see what all needs being done.
And with that, I bid you farewell and happy and prosperous new year!