
Well, sort of. Actually most of the changes so far have been entirely in the back end, making it easier to add some of the features people have asked for.
I've gone through the effort of setting up a GitHub account for TranquilArt's code (though at the moment things are still pretty ugly) and added a number of feature requests to the issue tracker.
The biggest ones I want to work on are notifications for commissions (both artists getting applications and commissioners getting updates). I also want to add WIP and Finished links, so artists can directly link to in progress and finished pieces in galleries like Weasyl. I also hope to maybe reorganize the commission system so that it's a bit easier to navigate, but I need feedback from you all to know how you'd like to be able to use it.
I've gone through the effort of setting up a GitHub account for TranquilArt's code (though at the moment things are still pretty ugly) and added a number of feature requests to the issue tracker.
The biggest ones I want to work on are notifications for commissions (both artists getting applications and commissioners getting updates). I also want to add WIP and Finished links, so artists can directly link to in progress and finished pieces in galleries like Weasyl. I also hope to maybe reorganize the commission system so that it's a bit easier to navigate, but I need feedback from you all to know how you'd like to be able to use it.